Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson

The Magic of Music

“Where words fail, music speaks.” – Hans Christian Andersen

Truer words have not been spoken about the magic music can make for those with dementia. We can all remember special times in our past that are included in the soundtrack of our own lives. You know how that one song takes you right back to that special first love, or the joy you felt looking at your newborn child? That is the magic I am talking about. When people with dementia hear meaningful songs, it taps into a certain pathway that takes them back to their prior self, bringing them joy and a connection they often miss. In this video, I share 2 experiences I was blessed with today where I witnessed this magic myself.

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Information on Dementia LeAnn Larson Information on Dementia LeAnn Larson

Dementia Dining Tips

Seniors often deal with issues surrounding their nutrition due to the normal aging process; the memory loss experienced with dementia adds a new dimension to the challenge. In this video, we offer strategies to encourage eating in those who may have forgotten either how to eat or even what it means when their body tells them they are hungry.

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Information on Dementia LeAnn Larson Information on Dementia LeAnn Larson

Meet Me Where I Am

Caregivers often feel frustrated trying to help people with dementia return to the current reality. Because those with dementia do not have the capacity to understand their current situation, it is futile to attempt to make them adjust. Listen here for a couple examples of ways to meet people with Alzheimer's and other dementias right where they are to encourage positive interaction.

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Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson

The Harvest Moon Welcomes the Autumnal Equinox

The beginning of Fall is a time to harvest the fruits of our labors and share our bounties with others. How are we preparing for a busy fall creating mindful memory care? Read here to find out more about how sharing our bounty of information with the friendly competition will help us and them deliver high-quality care for those with Alzheimer's and other dementia diagnoses.

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Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson

Busy as a bee

The desert blossoms have the bees buzzing and I have been just busy planning a mindful memory care village. How can honey help you possibly decrease your chances of developing Alzheimer's or another dementia? I share those details and a delicious way to enjoy your honey in this week's blog post ~ check it out here!

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Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson

Seek and You Will Find

Building quality dementia care requires knowledgeable planners to design a safe and engaging environment. At Prosper in Peace, we are compiling a team that will ensure our memory care village is as comfortable and engaging as possible to best meet the needs of our residents. You can learn more about our team in this week’s post.

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Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson

Good Things Take Time and Options

It is important to put together the right team when designing high-quality dementia care. Sometimes it takes time and going through a few options to develop the right mix of people. Each member of our staff and those who lead the project will have a passion to create the best memory care possible for Arizona, and all of America. Learn about some of our connections in this week’s post.

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Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson

The Dog Days of Summer

The manager of Prosper in Peace will live on site to be close, offering support and oversight for our dementia community. They will be readily available to engage with staff and residents as needed. This close proximity will afford frequent contact with the residents forming close bonds and serving as a role model for the caregiver staff. Check out the comfortable home where they will reside in this week’s update.

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Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson Prosper in Peace Journey LeAnn Larson

A Prickly Situation

Much thought and consideration are going into the design of Prosper in Peace as we create a mindful memory care village. The architect is helping us design it for maximum safety and active engagement of our residents. Maintaining the desert beauty around us will stimulate a sense of comfort and security for those with dementia who live here.

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Mary, Mary….How does your garden grow?

As we progress toward creating the best memory care in America, we have to prepare. Read here to learn about how gardening benefits those with dementia and see some of the plants we will be transferring to our gardens when they are complete. The residents in our dementia village will be able to grow any plants they choose to provide them purpose and pleasure.

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