A Prickly Situation
87 ~ that is the number of saguaros I've counted on the Prosper in Peace plot. I was so surprised as I had guessed we were around 100 or a little more for the entire 20 acres; I now realize we are quite a bit over that estimate since this 5-acre parcel has almost 100 alone.
"Guessing a thing ain't knowing a thing." ~Patrick Ness
Below you can view pictures of the site plan and you will note that we will only have to relocate around 14 of the saguaros for construction (dotted line circles). That is amazing to me as the walled-in area for the village will be a little less than 1 1/2 acres so it takes up almost 1/3 of the total property area.
Site plan with saguaros marked by circles. Dotted ones will need to move.
Site plan with rain water harvesting cisterns noted with circles.
Speaking of the images, were you able to predict the changes from last week? I am much happier with these views and get more excited every day. It is all I imagined and even more. Did you see the rainwater collection cisterns?. We will be conserving any and all resources we can.
"Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance." ~Ban Ki-moon
The Prosper in Peace village layout with the manager's home located in background on adjacent property.
Duplexes - Architect Rendering
Prosper in Peace Village - Architect Rendering
Much consideration has been taken when designing our mindful memory care: consideration for resident comfort, engagement and safety; staff satisfaction and support; and, environmental protection and conservation. My vision is every living thing associated with the village will prosper in peace.
At the Spotlight networking event last Thursday, I was able to connect with an insurance agent that works specifically with assisted living and elder care. I had met him previously but held off on contacting him as I was working with the other agent. Hopefully, he can get us some traction on a quote for those needs.
"How can you know what you're capable of if you don't embrace the unknown?" ~ Esmeralda Santiago
Education topics this week focused on business sustainability, another session on cybersecurity, grant writing and identifying, customizing my LinkedIn profile, and conducting market research on my competitors. All very good information that will help me be more successful.
The property was hit by a pretty intense storm last week but I didn't notice any significant damage. The neighbors lost a couple of trees. I did see one in my wash that appeared to have been hit by lightning but was unsure if it was from my land or had floated down. I also saw a dog bowl in one of the washes as I was driving further down the road. Some little guy was hungry I bet.
"Peace is more important than all justice; and peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace." ~Martin Luther
Tomorrow I start jury duty so not sure how much progress I'll get done this week but I'm sure there will be something to report next time. ‘Till then ~ stay safe and stay sharp!