The Dog Days of Summer
The "dog days of summer" - do you know where that term originates? I never knew where this saying came from so I did some research; it actually has nothing to do with sweet Ruby.
The dog days refer to the period where the sun occupies the same region of the sky as the constellation Sirius, which is the Dog Star. This alignment between Sirius and the Sun occurs from July 3 - August 11 of each year, thus the Dog Days of Summer.
"Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read." ~ Groucho Marks
Studies have shown that expanding your mind and learning new things helps you avoid dementia so I try to expand my knowledge whenever possible. And, as these dog days cause the temperature to rise so does my excitement about designing high-quality memory care. I was released from jury duty this week and blessed to focus on the development of Prosper in Peace.
I completed the floor plan for the manager's home so Tom and I were able to finalize this phase of the site plan from an architectural standpoint. It is a replica of the home I currently own so I had a model to follow. Now we move into quotes from the rest of the construction crew.
Manger Home Floor Plan
I have calls out to a builder and civil engineer, both are recommended by the architect and have good ratings online. My goal is to meet with each of them this week to discuss next steps.
Speaking of quotes, I found an insurance agent through my Spotlight group who has agreed to serve as an insurance advisor to me throughout the project, starting with a projection of costs. The broker who owns the company was very excited about the concept of Prosper in Peace and the mindful memory care we will provide.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" ~Helen Keller
I attended my first Walk to End Alzheimer's Planning Committee meeting and met some nice people there. One couple had already heard about Prosper in Peace from a friend of theirs who happens to be Chris, our photographer and artist. Thanks Chris!
Everyone who hears about our concept is so excited to see a change in memory care. I am fortunate to be able to drive this change in memory care approach and offer those with dementia a full and prosperous life.
Education this week included sessions on business plan development, using QuickBooks, and legal aspects of contracts. So much good information to learn; It is helpful to have this depth of knowledge offered for free. Thanks SCORE!
"There are no speed limits on the road to success." ~David W. Johnson
I chatted with the website designer about the speed test period she informed me that I will always rate high on those due to the back-end code that comes with sites you can edit yourself. The tests read through all of that extra code and interpret it as a delay.
That explains why you are not experiencing slow-downs, even though the test tells me the load is delayed. I'm going with your feedback that it loads quickly and trust you'll let me know if that changes.
Another eventful week in front of me designing the best memory care in America. I can't wait to share new progress with you next time. Stay well and stay sharp!