Busy as a bee
Since I have been buzzing around like a busy bee, I thought I'd learn a little more about them and share with you. Here are 3 fun facts:
Honey bees communicate through dance moves.
The Honey Bee is the only insect that make food humans can eat.
Honey has antioxidants that improve brain function and have been shown to reduce cognitive decline which can possibly lead to a decrease the chance of Alzheimer's and other dementias.
You can read more about the benefits of honey on brain function in this article. I highly suggest honey in mint tea, one of my favorite beverages when I don't feel well. I'll be drinking it more often now.
We had a good response to our request for builders and have shared our idea with a few to obtain the competitive bids required for the funding conversations. Architect Tom has offered to join my meetings when I review the project with them. He has been a godsend helping me maneuver through the trade world.
"It's easy to make good decisions when there are no bad options." ~Robert Half
They have all been recommended by someone in the business so should be quality leads. It will be helpful to have options from which to choose when we are ready to begin building. We want to make sure to select the right partner who can help us create an engaging and nurturing memory care village.
In preparation for funding discussions, I have been honing in the business plan and adding final touches. My Assumption List is nearly complete. This is a list where I call out every financial assumption I make in the proposed budget i.e. I assume we will open with 5 residents and grow by 2 each month until fully occupied. It is quite a task as many of my line items have assumptions.
Dave, the accountant, and I will sit down this week to review the proposed budget and discuss investor options. I am curious to see if my Shark Tank training taught me how to calculate my valuation correctly.
"Let men be wise by instinct if they can, but when this fails be wise by good advice." ~Sophocles
Additionally this week I'll be meeting with my SCORE mentors and our Prosper in Peace attorney. They are due for project updates and I always benefit from their guidance.
I called the cactus removal company to praise the gentleman who assisted me in the storms last week. Discovered he is the owner of the company and will be going out of business in the next 6 months. He has offered to meet me at the land and check out the saguaros with me to advise me on diseased ones, ones I can sell, etc.
My brain was expanded learning about trademarks, business organization tips for efficiency, HR considerations to hire the first employee, and how businesses can best support their employees who are caregivers for a loved one with dementia.
And bees, I learned all about bees. This week, see if you can try to incorporate some honey in your diet to help you and your brain stay sharp.