A house divided cannot stand, but land divided can be sold
The minor land division application is submitted! The title company came through with the report needed and I was able to submit the application Friday morning.
Excited to have it submitted and get the individual parcels created, although I did discover that Pinal county does not assign addresses until they approve a building permit, so we are still on hold for that….
"Waiting is still an occupation. It is having nothing to wait for that is terrible." ~Cesare Pavese
It was an educational week for me as I attended 6 hours of lectures on various topics. The most interesting was on Angel investors and that process.
I found it curious that with angel investors you are required to have an exit strategy already planned for your company. After all this work, I surely do not plan to depart anytime soon, lol. I anticipate I will be very satisfied in my role for quite a while.
"Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night." ~William Blake
I was able to make some good connections networking at the Spotlight event. I sat with a product supplier, an insurance agent, and a home care company rep. It was a diverse mix of people to meet and helpful connections to build.
Speaking of insurance, I chatted a bit more with my buddy Lindsay this week and he is compiling a quote I'll use for the budget projections. We decided no use to reach out to others until closer to opening.
"Insurance - an ingenious modern game of chance in which the player is permitted to enjoy the comfortable conviction that he is beating the man who keeps the table." ~Ambrose Bierce
Still no contact from the solar company so I reached back out to Trico electric just to see if perchance anybody has brought in a closer connection than was in place a year ago. My contact there is out of the office until Thursday so I expect to hear from him after then.
Solar seems like such a great idea, but either it's not the way I'm supposed to go or I haven't found the right company yet and the time is not right. For whatever reason, that's not working out now and I just accept that it's the way it's meant to be.
"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will." - Zig Ziglar
Last but not least, I created a PowerPoint template for Prosper in Peace using all of the brand colors and logo. I then used the template to start a 'pitch deck' that I will use when I meet with the lenders and/or investors. It is the cover picture for this post and I'd love your feedback!
Wednesday of this week, I fly to mom's to help her and Jim, her husband, move back to Arizona. We will drive from Oregon to Casa Grande to transport them and their belongings.
After I return home from that trip, I will be here for one day and then Ruby and I will start our ‘Reconnect Tour’ road trip up to Montana to see my family and attend my cousin's memorial service.
Ruby is a great travel companion and she gets to come with me so I'm sure we're going to enjoy the 3,000-mile portion of that driving adventure! I can't wait to share the details with you next time.