The Waiting Game
Not many work tasks to report this week as I'm in a waiting phase with multiple items. I had Nurse Week activities with the Southern Arizona Honor Guard and the completion of Mom's trip, so those tasks kept me busy as well.
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." ~Henry David Thoreau
What am I waiting on you ask? Well, that is an excellent question…here's my list of outstanding items:
1 - The solar quote - I called and spoke with somebody at the solar company and they will pass on my message to the salespeople I met.
2 - A current copy of the title report, which is required for the minor land division application. It is the last component I need and has not been as easy to obtain as it seems it should be. As of Friday, I actually saw the official request in an email so I am expecting it will come soon.
3 - Insurance quotes - I spoke with a friend of mine today who is an insurance agent. He is working with some brokers he knows to see what we can do for a price point on my policies. There is a lot I have to insure including the buildings and their contents, the vehicle that we'll use for errands and resident transport, general and professional liability, and worker's compensation.
Additionally, there are supplements that we'll need to add, such as coverage for employees that may be dishonest. I will work with another agent to get a second set of quotes as well to ensure I have done my due diligence for pricing.
4 - Schematic designs from the architect - these are required for the builders to provide me with accurate quotes for construction costs. I am excited to see how they look since they will be the first 'official' view I will get of the layout. The floor plans viewable here are my own creation and will need a few updates.
I am hoping to get some of those answers this next week and be able to share with you in my next post. Fingers crossed…
“It is strange that the years teach us patience; that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting.” – Elizabeth Taylor
I finalized the valuation calculations this week base based on updated budget projections. This gives me a better idea of a starting point I can offer when speaking with investors.
I will be looking for a fellow nurse or provider to partner as an investor as they will understand the importance of this work and the necessity for decisions to be made with the residents' best interest as the top priority, after paying our basic operating costs of course.
Shark tank has taught me a lot about how to determine valuation and calculate a fair offer. Once I get the quotes from the builder and insurance, I can finalize the budget knowing exactly where I stand going forward.
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." ~Malcolm X
Mom and I did get a chance to stop by the land on her way out of town and we were able to see a few more saguaros in bloom so I'm including pictures here for you to enjoy as well. No other flowers in sight this time. We were lucky the last time we stopped!
Buds on their way…
Pretty bloom showing!
Prosper in Peace obtained another good amount of inventory this week. Mom purchased a home that came furnished and she did not need everything in the house, especially the kitchen.
We now own some cooking pans, bakeware, and Tupperware for the main house; and plates, glasses, cups, and bowls to go in the duplexes. We also have some vases, pictures, and other decorative items to put up in their homes to make them feel comfortable and cozy.
"Peace begins with a smile." ~Mother Teresa
I get giddy just thinking about how it is all coming together. What a beautiful life we will be able to provide ~ that is truly a blessing! Speaking of blessing, I wish you a blessed week until we meet again.