Mom meets PiP

Mom is here and we finally got to introduce her to the Prosper in Peace land personally. It was fun to take her there and show her how I envision it will all come together. She was impressed and thought the land was beautiful but did note there is a lot of cactus, lol. Yes, we will work on that point (of course that pun was intended).

When we were at the land it was so nice to see the cactus blooming ~ their colors are so vibrant and energizing! The saguaros are just starting to pop so they will be fabulous in another week or so. The Palo Verdes still had a few flowers and the creosote are in full blossom. Springtime in the desert is absolute heaven to me. It makes me even more excited for the day I get to be there and enjoy the beauty all the time.

Prickly cholla cactus with bright pink flower in the middle
Prickly Pear cactus with one bright yellow flower and 3 green buds ready to blossom next to it
Close up of burnt orange cactus flower with muted sharp needles in background

We walked up the wash to find the hidden property stake that marks the middle of the plot. When I was out there a couple of weeks ago, I was a bit too nervous about snakes to investigate on my own so good to have her there for moral support! Mom also found one of our large holes….still trying to figure out what lives here but it is something pretty big; hopefully jackrabbits.

Blonde lady standing in middle of desert wash next to a wooden stake that has a pink flag on top as a land survey marker.
Blonde lady standing next to and pointing at a hole in the ground that is as big as her foot.

We then made our way up to Casa Grande to see her new house as she and her husband, Jim, will be moving back to Arizona from Oregon at the end of the month. It will be helpful to have her here as we get busy with Prosper in Peace so she can see the progress. As my largest investor at this point, it is important she is pleased with the progress.

"One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team." ~Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

I have the Minor Land Division application completed for submission and am just waiting on a current title report from the title company. The lady I spoke with last week is new to her role and so it has taken a few days longer than expected but we should have that submitted this week and be on our way to getting an address hopefully ~ fingers crossed.

I spoke with a builder that has a good reputation and is willing to work with me so we are in the process of obtaining that quote. That is the next step needed per my lenders ~ get true quotes for the work to get us as accurate as possible for the loan. Up to this point, I have struggled with getting calls back as everyone was so busy so I was using the internet for estimates. Another clear example of everything happening at the right time.

"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet." ~Aristotle

This week was the start of Nurses Week so be sure to thank those you know in your life and show them your appreciation for the hard work they do, especially these past couple of years. I have been busy working with the Nurse Honor Guard on activities that promote our group and nursing as a whole. These activities bring me great joy and renew my passion for the profession.

This week will be filled with submitting the MLD application, getting technical drawings in place for the build quotes, finalizing the budget, hanging with Mom for a couple more days, and a few more Nurse Week activities. I can't wait to share all the fun with you next week!


The Waiting Game


…of mice and men, and architects, and engineers