Setting Boundaries and Making Connections
A productive, eventful week despite losing 2 days to life circumstances: one to computer storage issues that had to be addressed before I could save anything else to the computer; and one to recovery from the COVID booster because I am old and need to stay healthy to bring this project to life, lol.
"In order to thrive and be successful, you have to be able to set boundaries" ~ Oprah Winfrey
Let's start with the survey. Brian from OnPoint Surveying met me at the land bright and early at 7:30 a.m. He and his assistant already had the equipment setup and had tagged two of the corners ~ talk about efficient, I was impressed! We were out at the land until 11:00 and they marked all of the corners to give us 4 equal 5-acre plots of land. Next, they will complete documentation required for the county so we can submit the minor land division application.
Southwest Corner - There is an easement for the road access already in place
The new corners established on the West for the North/South split.
This is the new Southern corner for the East/West split. The surveyors go everywhere ~ even the middle of a bush!
Boundaries, the county, and documentation ~ what a great seque into my discussion with Pinal County. I was able to meet with Steve and review the Prosper in Peace concept with him. He liked it and feels it is a worthy endeavor, but he is not the decision-maker. I learned more about the process for getting my land-use approval and I actually have to start with a pre-approval meeting that will go before a whole committee.
Steve showed me where I can access the application and the fee schedule so I can budget the costs for that land use pre-approval process. I also will need to apply for approval to place the storage container on the property and a separate application for the minor land division. Good thing I have time for all of this paperwork and processes ~ I am so grateful for his guidance and time. He verified the zoning is good and the business can be conducted off-grid if I choose.
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." ~Benjamin Franklin
After the survey, I visited a couple of shipping container suppliers and, after discussing delivery options with the kind salesman Bobby, have changed the plan to purchasing a 20-ft container instead of a 40-ft. Turns out the SEMI DRIVERS that have to deliver the 40-ft containers need 110 feet in a straight line to deliver, and do not like to travel over raw desert without roads ~ who knew? Now I do. We will start with the smaller container and purchase another at a later time if it is required.
From a mentoring standpoint, I met with Karen this week and she has set up a meeting for me with the SBA banker she knows. It is 2 weeks away so I have time to finish making the business plan look professional and trimmed down to only the info she will need at the first meeting. This is really just an introduction to the project and not an official application yet. It is a great first step to building that relationship and getting her excited to be part of this awesome project!
“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.” ~Denzel Washington
Prestamos responded to my follow-up email and I and will meet with them this upcoming week. I believe they will be a valuable resource locally to assist me with both education and finances.
Speaking of finances, 2021 taxes are complete and paid ~ woohoo! This was the final administrative step I needed to complete to move forward with any discussions that involve lenders, investors, or anyone else who has a financial interest in the company.
"Death, taxes and childbirth! There's never any convenient time for any of them." ~Margaret Mitchell
Lastly, I had a meeting set up with solar company where they were a no-call, no -show. I called the main office to find out why and after multiple calls discovered they do not do off-grid work. The need for off-grid was well-explained during the initial appointment scheduling so obviously a miscommunication, so I have another meeting this week with a different company, and I remain hopeful I will get information soon. I know it will come when I am meant to receive but darn, it is hard to be patient sometimes.
That's what was accomplished with two days down, just think of what I can complete this week with all cylinders in action. Looking forward to sharing it with you in the next post. Have a good one my friends!