Prosper in Peace Memory Care

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Flexible with details ~ Firm with principles

What a week it has been, and I am grateful for my flexibility: with funding, with travel, with the "best-laid plans".

The week started with a visit to Green Valley to see my previous father-in-law, who was beginning his transition out of this life and onto the next. An emotional day on many fronts and a blessing to be able to be present. I was grateful for the chance to say goodbye on Monday as he made his final passing on Friday. I honestly believe he is in the process of winning a Euchre game right now ~ Rest in Peace Lee.

I met with some new funding advisors this week and received some interesting guidance. "Crowdfunding is great for a one-time purchase need, but it is not the best choice for every business". OK, tell me more….

What I learned is that crowdfunding can be a good source of cash for a one-time need but if I anticipate needing more funds later, to expand for example, then I may be better off finding investors and bankers and build those relationships. As they become excited with the progress and success of the business, they will want to give more to see it grow more. They will also tell their friends "at cocktail parties" (the exact quote from my seminar). It makes sense to me, so I am going to continue the crowdfunding while I start to build a new banker relationship and open my mind a bit more to investors.

I've been resistant to formal investors because I want the focus of the business to be what is best for our residents and not what is best to line someone's pocket.

I'm going to look for some investor opportunities with folks that support the mission and whose vision aligns with mine. Still awaiting word from Shark Tank for next season and watching the shows now for tips on how to present. Maybe a local neurologist will want to do some research and we will get grants. I don't know how it will all come together, I just know it will.

My travel to Alabama was delayed a but due to the weather so instead of flying Wednesday, I finally made it out of Tucson on Friday, which delays my return home as well. My flexibility with the travel plans played out well though as I was rewarded with a first-class upgrade on my last leg of the flight into Birmingham. That glass of free Cabernet tasted delicious!

I am in Alabama to see my sister, Eileen, and help her prepare her house to sell. She has spent the past year building her own business with a wellness center that includes yoga, art classes, massage, and a coffee shop/café. She has put a lot of hard work into it this year and learned so many lessons; I am on the sidelines taking notes and learning myself.

“You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you.” —George R.R. Martin

LeAnn and sister Eileen

It is amazing to have our lives mirroring each other as we both move into the phase of life ~ realizing our true purpose and intention ~ working together on our separate goals. Eileen serves as our accountant for Prosper in Peace and if her house sells for a nice profit, we may have an additional funding source. I truly believe whatever is meant to be, will.

Sponsorships were another option presented to me this week, and one that I find very intriguing. Maybe Starbucks would like to sponsor the coffee shop, if I give them recognition for a certain time….Maybe Golds' Gym would like to donate the equipment, AMC theatres may want to buy a couple rows of chairs and a popcorn machine ~ there are possibilities there to be explored.

I am coming to realize that there are many options I had not considered, and the project of this magnitude will likely take a combination of a few to come to fruition.

I got the business plan out and worked on those updates, including a review of the local competitors. I am not so out of line with pricing anymore and will be redoing my budget as part of the business plan updates.

Eleanor Roosevelt told us to “Be flexible, but stick to your principles.” Me and the Prosper in Peace principles will continue flexing as needed moving through this next week. Stay healthy my friends!